Sit down and post free classified ads online all over the place like a madman at least 8 hours a day.
Backpage, CL, OLX, USFreeads, Classifiedads dot com, etc.
Post an offer with broad appeal, like dating, quit smoking, payday loans, credit repair, etc. using a CPA offer, AdultFriendFinder, or even Amazon (e-cigs or herbal cigs). Or you could post an ad to set up a free website for people (through your affiliate link of course, which would get you recurring commissions) and either do it yourself or pay somebody 5 bucks on Fiverr to do it for you.!.
Backpage, CL, OLX, USFreeads, Classifiedads dot com, etc.
Post an offer with broad appeal, like dating, quit smoking, payday loans, credit repair, etc. using a CPA offer, AdultFriendFinder, or even Amazon (e-cigs or herbal cigs). Or you could post an ad to set up a free website for people (through your affiliate link of course, which would get you recurring commissions) and either do it yourself or pay somebody 5 bucks on Fiverr to do it for you.!.
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